For our first official review Wendy and I choose to review,
I'm a Dragon, by Sigal Adler
Illustrated by Abira Das
Illustrated by Abira Das

Not only did it look like a fun read,
it looked like an interesting read.
The book starts out with a little boy exploring his imagination!
As the book goes on, the little boy explores all things a dragon can do.
Ron clearly is not a little boy anymore.
He can only do things big powerful dragons would do.
Ron tells his father over and over what he is going to do,
because he is 'a big scary dragon'.
Ron's dad plays along for a bit,
but there comes that point that all parents have...
and he reaches his limit.
Ron's dad has a secret...
Dragon-Dad appears!
Dragon-Dad is three times bigger than Dragon-Kid.
Ron had to think for a moment,
but it was clear,
there would be no more Dragon-Kid,
because being rude, mean, and scary is fun.
Ron learned a valuable lesson,
and in the end, he cherishes his love for his dad the most.
Candice's Review:
There are not many "father-focused" books out there!
This is exactly my husband.
He will play along, and go with the flow,
but sometimes children like to push those buttons farther,
and that is where a daddy needs to draw the line.
I loved how Sigal wrote Ron's lines,
and how she drew in dad's frustration.
And in the end, how the love Ron felt,
and the memories he remembered
overshadowed all else.
Sometimes being a dragon is fun,
but being a respectful dragon is important.
High five stars for Family Morals,
Educational Value, Creativity, and Imagination.
Five stars for the illustrator as well.
Each picture is bright, descriptive,
and fits to the story perfectly.
Wendy's Review:
Good Day Folks,
This book was fun.
Of course, I am a little biased since I love dragons.
Yes I agree dragons can do whatever they want.
The book is fun rhyming story
with colorful fun illustrations by Abira Das.
It is 12 pages long.
I think parents will enjoy reading this rhythmic rhyming story
that discusses a child pushing the limits.
I also think young readers up to age 7
will enjoy the story!
Children and parents can have fun acting out the scenes as they read.
Brief Synopsis:
A young boy named Ron announces he is a dragon for the day.
This means he can do anything he wants day or night.
His dad has trouble with him throughout the day.
Dragons only eat pizza, pasta, and ice cream.
He does not want to pick up his room,
and does not have to ask permission to do anything.
Bed time is the final straw, when the young dragon
finally pushes his tired dad and he looses his patience.
His father turns into a dragon-dad with three heads!
Ron thinks and decides he is not a dragon-kid
since his dad is a great big dragon and not much fun.
It is time to end the game of being a dragon-kid
and start listening to dad, and go to bed, and have a fun dream.
Hope you enjoyed I'm a Dragon.
Enjoy the adventure every day brings you,
You can find I'm a Dragon on Amazon at:
I'm a Dragon - Amazon
or at Barnes and Noble,
I'm a Dragon - BN
You can find more of Sigal's books
on her Amazon Author Page at
Sigal Adler's Amazon Author Page
And hit the LIKE button at Facebook!
Facebook-Sigal Adler
This book was fun.
Of course, I am a little biased since I love dragons.
Yes I agree dragons can do whatever they want.
The book is fun rhyming story
with colorful fun illustrations by Abira Das.
It is 12 pages long.
I think parents will enjoy reading this rhythmic rhyming story
that discusses a child pushing the limits.
I also think young readers up to age 7
will enjoy the story!
Children and parents can have fun acting out the scenes as they read.
Brief Synopsis:
A young boy named Ron announces he is a dragon for the day.
This means he can do anything he wants day or night.
His dad has trouble with him throughout the day.
Dragons only eat pizza, pasta, and ice cream.
He does not want to pick up his room,
and does not have to ask permission to do anything.
Bed time is the final straw, when the young dragon
finally pushes his tired dad and he looses his patience.
His father turns into a dragon-dad with three heads!
Ron thinks and decides he is not a dragon-kid
since his dad is a great big dragon and not much fun.
It is time to end the game of being a dragon-kid
and start listening to dad, and go to bed, and have a fun dream.
Enjoy the adventure every day brings you,
I'm a Dragon - Amazon
or at Barnes and Noble,
I'm a Dragon - BN
You can find more of Sigal's books
on her Amazon Author Page at
Sigal Adler's Amazon Author Page
And hit the LIKE button at Facebook!
Facebook-Sigal Adler
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