5 stars
Emily- Rose’s Day at the Farm by Simone Da Costa, is truly a farm adventure. The book starts out with Emily being excited about visiting her Grandmother at the farm and hoping to get to feed the animals. With her rubber boots on she is ready to feed those rambunctious animals.
When she arrives her Grandmother does let her feed the animals. It becomes quite an adventure each encounter Emily Rose has with the animals. She now understands what rambunctious means. It is great fun to feed the animals it is also challenging work and she will listen to her grandmother from now on.
Children pre-school- 3rd gradewill enjoy Emily Rose’s day on the farm with her grandmother.
The illustrations by Anindita Modak are a lot of fun and really add to the adventure. This also would be fun story to read with you children you could add some activities while reading this book such as the sounds each animal makes. The book at the end also has some added activities for children.
You can find this book at http://www.amazon.com/Emily-Roses-Day-Farm-Simone-Costa/dp/0987925563
Here are Simone Da Costa’s links,
Enter to win giveaway! https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/99034-emily-rose-s-day-at-the-farm
Thank you for stopping in. Hope you enjoyed Emily- Rose’s Day at the Farm by Simone Da Costa.
Enjoy the adventure every day brings you, WB

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